Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Widow's Perspective

As the months have progressed, each widow has become more comfortable in her work and relationships are growing stronger each day with Abbie, Katie, Asha and Dinesh and now Gayle.  The income they are earning has become a crucial part of meeting their daily needs for food and medicine but more importantly, restoring their sense of dignity.

In recent interview, one of our widows, Muni expressed to Asha how the work helps to take way her pain and offers a welcome distraction from sitting alone on her bed and reliving the pain of her past.

Watch the video below to hear her heart wrenching story.

A widow's perspective from Gayle Lawrence on Vimeo.

Open House Celebration

Open House Celebration at Mahima Creations

After months of preparation the team at White Rainbow Project collaborated with the Mahima Creation team to make the widows feel special.  We shared good food, songs, testimonies, and love.  Pastor Dinesh beautifully translated Manju's witness to the women.

We reached a new level of intimacy and our relationship is stronger than ever, as they asked for prayer for healing.  A tender farewell was bid to Katie Gilliam, with a few fallen tears shed, but she promises to return and continue deepening the friendships.

For more pictures of this special celebration, please click here to visit Mahima Creations Facebook Page  (and don't forget to "Like" us).

During the celebration, we had so many widows come to us and ask for employment.  Unfortunately, at this time, we are unable to employ many needing and deserving widows, but with your help, we hope to never have to turn away another widow who wants to work.  Won't you please consider helping us help the widows?

Click here to donate now!

White Rainbow Project Service Team in India

White Rainbow Project visiting service team spends time at Sangita home for Orphanages and Widows in Chennai and Mahima Creations in Vrindavan.

Paul and Grace Moses of Sangita Charitable Trust
Paul and Grace Moses
Sangita Charitable Trust
Linda Mandrayar, founder and Executive Director of the White Rainbow Project, lead a group of dedicated women on a two-week service trip to India.  First stop was in Chennai where they visited Paul and Grace Moses of Sangita Charitable Trust and saw all the wonderful work they are doing in the villages with the widows making handmade note cards and knitted scarves. 

The team then made connections in Delhi at the Delhi International Christian Fellowship and were hosted in the homes by the gracious parishioners.

The team then made their way up to Mahima Creations in Vrindavan to witness all the work and participate in the Open House Celebration