Monday, March 5, 2012

Middle School Presentation

 Today we were invited to give a presentation on the White Rainbow Project to Valley Middle School in Carlsbad, CA.  What made this visit so uniquely special was that all of the 5 sixth grade classes we presented to had just finished reading "Homeless Bird" by Gloria Whalen, so they already had a level of familiarity with the plight of widows in India.

They had so many questions and were so eager to learn more.  Even though they had read the book, the movie trailer and Linda Mandrayar's moving presentation brought home the reality of  life for a widow in India.

They were ready to "Friend" us on Facebook, model new tunics for us, and host a "Party with a Purpose"!

When you can get a group of middle schoolers this excited about something, you know you've good a good thing going!